Shreveport/Bossier - Business Networking, Marketing, & Photography

I want to make big changes and growth in my photography business this year.  To achieve that goal I will be stepping up my marketing and networking game.  I joined a local BNI (business networking group) this past October to help me in this goal.  It requires speaking in a group every week, something I know a lot of people hate doing, me included.  Repetition and practice.  Additionally, every few months each member takes a turn giving a ten minute presentation on their business.  

This week was my turn.  This is an incredible opportunity to explain to others a but about me, what I do in my photography, and how my skills and service can benefit others. Since this was my very first time doing this I apparently underestimated how many images ten years of photography would produce.  My goal was to explain the facets of my skills in commercial photography.  When I first did a timed practice my images alone would have filled a 20 minute presentation!  Needless to say I think I have plenty of images for the next time I will need to speak.

Here is a small group of the images I showed in my presentation.


PPA Certified Professional Photographer - Shreveport/Bossier


Welcome 2018-Let’s get shooting, Shreveport-Bossier!