Get in front of the Camera - Bossier Portrait Photography

I have been SO excited to share some of the images from Bree's portrait session. These photos show the beauty I see in her each time that we see each other. I was thrilled to get to capture images that share her laugh, smile, love of life, beauty, and general happiness. Needless to say we laughed a lot, talked even more, and in between I was able to take some incredible photos in the studio.

Bossier Portrait Photography

We shared our love for travel, Europe, and DisneyWorld. We talked about family, work, and life. I am always so impressed by her joy. I remember a few years ago she had just been in a car wreck and was hurting so bad, but kept a smile on her face. She is one of those beautiful souls who brings happiness to others with just a smile. Thank you Bree for letting me show you what I see in you every day.


Photojournalism with Garden Park Nursing and Rehab


Light Study - Shreveport Commercial Photography